Pathfinder offers various assets to help Soldier problem solving, prototyping, and readiness. Our mission is Solider focused and has partners embedded across the country for primary access to bases and training centers.

Soldier Innovation Platform

Easy mobile entry for Soldiers to input problems

Design, Innovation, Research, and Technology Labs (DIRT Labs)

Established four DIRT Labs in Morgantown, WV, Fort Liberty, Fort Campbell, and Fort Stewart

Adaptive Experimentation Force (AEF)

Offers professional red teaming and training specified for unit needs

Pathfinder Warfighter Innovation Chiefs (PWICS)

PWICS embedded with Soldiers across the country.

Driving Innovation in Realistic Training Days (DIRT Days)

Events that engage Soldiers and academia to test and provide feedback to new technology, and train with AEF.

Adaptive Experimentation Facility 

The Adaptive Experimentation Facility is the playing field for DIRT Days that offers ideal terrain to experiment and stress test technology.

Mobile Immediate Need Engineering Resource (MINER)

MINER is a mobile makerspace that specializes engineering, and is designed for on-the-go Soldier solutions.

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