Current Unit Focus

XVIII ABN Corps at Fort Liberty, NC

82nd ABN DIV at Fort Liberty, NC

101st ABN DIV at Fort Campbell, KY

3rd INF DIV at Fort Stewart, GA

10th Mountain DIV at Fort Drum, NY

USARPAC in Fort Shafter, HI

11th Airborne Division, Alaska

25th ID at Schofield Barracks, HI

3rd MDTF at Fort Shafter, HI

CENTCOM in Tampa, FL

18th FAB at Fort Liberty, NC

173rd IBCT Airborne in Vicenza, Italy

Montana Army National Guard

1st Special Forces Command at Fort Liberty, NC

USASOAC / 160th SOAR at Fort Campbell, TN

75th Ranger Regiment at Fort Moore, GA

5th SFG at Fort Campbell, KY

7th TBX at Fort Eustis, VA

3rd ESC at Fort Liberty, NC

III Armored Corps in Fort Cavazos, TX

Intelligence Center of Excellence at Fort Huachuca, AZ

Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Moore, GA

NTC in Fort Irwin, CA

7th Army Training Command (7ATC) in Germany

West Virginia Army National Guard

University Partners

West Virginia University

West Virginia University Institute of Technology

Marshall University

Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Austin Peay State University

University of Tennessee Knoxville

North Carolina State University

East Caroline University

Fayetteville Technical Community College

University of North Carolina Charlotte

Duke University

University of Arkansas

University of Montana

Montana Technical University

The University of Huntsville Alabama

Howard University

Shepherd University

University of Memphis

Auburn University



soldier standing at Fola
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