Catalyst-Pathfinder creates
Tactical Innovation

Catalyst-Pathfinder directly partners Soldiers who have immediate knowledge of the mission environment with researchers who understand the art of the possible to create opportunities for the rapid identification, research, development, and transition of new Army capabilities. Solutions to Soldier-identified needs move quickly from ideation to action by creating collaborative, problem-solving engagements with leading academic researchers and government subject matter experts.

  • Building a scalable methodology for transitioning Soldier-inspired innovations
  • Collecting, curating, and prioritizing Soldier-identified problems
  • Providing makerspaces for Soldiers to collaborate with subject matter experts to solve Soldier-identified problems
  • Engaging academia, small businesses, and government researchers to rapidly develop prototypes
  • Executing emerging technology experimentation events integrated with unit training exercises
  • Accelerating emerging technology to meet operational needs


CATALYST-PATHFINDER PROGRAM MANAGER | Dr. Arwen DeCostanza | [email protected]

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